Exhibition Hall
2024 Prize List
Theme “Country Roots and Cowboy Boots”
General Information, Rules, and Regulations
- Any person may become a member of the Society by paying to the Secretary or Treasurer the sum of $6.00 each year, but no person whose membership at the time is in arrears shall be entitled to vote or be elected to office, or to compete for prizes at the annual exhibition.
- All articles entered in the following classes, or under the following headings namely, Hay, Garden Vegetables, Fruits, Horticulture and Culinary Arts MUST BE THE PRODUCT, or the manufacture, as the case may be OF THE PARTY EXHIBITING and MUST BE THE PRODUCT OF THE YEAR IN WHICH THEY ARE EXHIBITED, and if required, THE EXHIBITORS MUST CERTIFY TO THESE FACTS. Grains & seeds may be from the previous year.
- No persons will be allowed to enter for competition more than one specimen in any one class unless the additional article is of a distinct named variety or patterns from the list. This rule does not apply to animals but to all kinds of Grains, Vegetables, Produce, Fruits, Flowers, Baking, Manufactured Articles, etc., to which individual specimens would necessarily be precisely like the first.
- All articles entered in the Homecraft, Miscellaneous and Photo Divisions must be the workmanship or the manufacture of the party exhibiting.
- No person shall receive a premium for any articles or animal which, IN THE OPINION OF THE JUDGES IS NOT WORTHY OF IT. Discretionary premiums may be awarded on the recommendation of the judges.
- All entries of articles intended for competition must be made on the printed entry form accompanying the Prize List, then forwarded to those specified in each section of the prize list or submitted online through Assist Expo (assistexpo.ca/vkhfair)
- Each entry must have an entry tag. The entry tag must have the class name and the exhibitor’s name.
- Prizes awarded and not called for inside of three months after the annual exhibition will be forfeited and considered as a donation to the Society. Cheques must be cashed within 60 days.
- All articles intended for competition herein, shall be placed in the Exhibition Hall not later than 11:30 a.m. Thursday, and cannot be removed until 3:30 p.m. on Sunday. All exhibits must be removed before 4:30 p.m. Sunday.
- Any member interfering with the judges or using abusive or contemptuous language to any of them shall forfeit all prizes that he/she may otherwise have been entitled to.
- Every member receiving in premiums the sum of $6.00 or over, shall leave with the Treasurer his or her membership fee for the ensuing year, and the Treasurer shall deduct said membership fee when paying premiums to the exhibitors.
- Every member of the Society, upon payment of his/ her membership, will be entitled to all the privileges of membership; to exhibit at the Fair and attend and vote at the Annual Meeting. MEMBERSHIP DOES NOT INCLUDE GATE ADMISSION.
- All exhibitors are entitled to admission passes on the following basis: EXHIBITION HALL ENTRIES (except Junior classes): 5 articles or more = 1 pass. (Typically used to come and collect entries on Sunday)
- All other Society rules and regulations as outlined at the beginning of the fair book.
- Vankleek Hill Agricultural Society is not responsible for lost items, although we do everything in our power to ensure the safety and proper collection of all exhibits. We are also not responsible for delivering items left in the hall past the pick up time on Sunday.
- Special prizes are typically available for pick up on Sunday afternoon. Please see one of the Fair Directors in charge in the hall at the time of pick up.
- All gift certificates and special prizes are donations and are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged.
- Please note that special rosette ribbons awarded to “Best Of…” classes will be for display only and will remain the property of the Homecraft division. Also, any exhibitor wishing to return his/her ribbons for recycling purposes may do so on Sunday when the exhibits are removed from the hall.
- Copies of the Homecraft Judging Standard for Ontario Fairs, OAAS, and Revised booklet are available for perusal on the OAAS website and can be purchased there. Ontarioagsocieties.com
Exhibition Hall Drop-off and Pick-Up
- The hall will be open on Wednesday evening from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Thursday morning between 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to receive exhibits.
- All hall exhibits are to be removed on Sunday, between 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
- It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure that your exhibits are collected. The Vankleek Hill Agricultural Society is not responsible for lost articles, although we will do everything in our power to ensure the safety and proper collection of all exhibits. The exhibit hall will be open between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Thursday evening for fairgoers.
Special Trophies, Awards, and Prizes
Exhibitor with the highest total points accumulated from the hall exhibits:
- Will be presented with a trophy with his/her name inscribed on it.
- Will receive a $50 Donation from Rachel Proudfoot, Manulife Securities, Vankleek Hill
Exhibitor with the second highest total points accumulated from the hall exhibits:
- Will receive a $50 gift certificate donated by Brian’s Place, Barney Gordon, prop., Vankleek Hill
New Exhibitor Trophy:
- Presented to the first-time exhibitor with the highest total points accumulated from the hall exhibits, Donated by Hillcrest Funeral Home, and $50 prize money.
An exhibitor from the Junior Division with the highest total points accumulated from the hall exhibits:
- Will be presented with a trophy with his/her name inscribed on it.
- Will receive a special $15 prize Donated by Kenda Allen
An exhibitor from the Junior Division with the second-highest total points accumulated from the hall exhibits:
- Will receive a special $10 prize Donated by Evelyn Bernique
Special prizes are typically available for pick up on Sunday afternoon. Please see one of the Fair Directors in charge.
Gift certificates and special prizes are donations and are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged.
Homecraft Exhibitors
Animal exhibitors
Livestock Regulations
- Entry forms provided in this prize list or entries through Assist Expo must be used by all exhibitors. Failing to submit a completed entry form may result in no prize money being awarded.
- Buildings will be ready for the reception of the stock by Wednesday evening.
- Stalls will be apportioned among the breeders and to individual exhibitors in equitable proportion, under the direction of thechairman of each committee.
- All purebred livestock exhibited must be registered on the records of their applicable breed association, in the name of the exhibitor, at the time of arrival at the show. All statements required of exhibitors in making entries in regard to age and pedigree must be verified in production of certificates of registry.
- No animal having a contagious disease shall be allowed to occupy any stall or building or be admitted to the exhibition grounds and if any animal has been admitted through an oversight suffering from any such disease the committee shall immediately order its removal from the grounds.
- The Society will take reasonable precaution to ensure the safety of all animals or exhibits, yet they wish it distinctly understood that the owners themselves take the risk of exhibiting them.
- The directors reserve the right to amend or change these rules in any way they see fit.
- Certificates of registration must be produced in the ring when called for by the judge or committee in charge, otherwise animals will be disqualified.
- Not more than two prizes shall be awarded in any one section of a class to any one exhibitor unless there be a bonafide competition, that is, unless there be two or more exhibitors.
- Exhibitors showing livestock must sign the Declaration & Insurance Form at the bottom of the Entry Form, acknowledging possession of liability insurance coverage of at least one million dollars. Give name of Liability Insurance Company, Policy Number, and Date of Expiry.
- If there are less than 3 exhibitors and 24 animals entered in a dairy or a beef show, we reserve the right to cancel that particular dairy or beef show.
- Smoking is absolutely prohibited in all the buildings.
- Drinking of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in all unlicensed areas, which includes the barns and surrounding grounds. This rule will be strictly enforced. Sanctions may be applied.
- Due to limited stalling, stalls will be assigned
- Due to limited stalls, we will be forced to limit number of accepted entries. However, exhibitors will be allowed to hitch off of their trailers.
Follow this link assistexpo.ca/vkhfair to register for an Assist Expo account to register your entries online!