General Information, Rules, and Regulations
The object of the fair is to supplement and encourage junior activities as organized by 4-H Ontario. It is also to improve the educational value of the fair, and to develop new exhibitors for the future, by stimulating the interest of young people in the fair. We encourage exhibitors to follow the 4-H motto of “Learn to Do By Doing”.
Open 4-H Dairy Heifer Show Saturday, August 17, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. sharp
- This is an Open Junior Dairy Show for 4-H members only, organized by the directors of the Vankleek Hill Agricultural Society.
- Open to all members of organized 4-H Dairy Clubs in 2024.
- Members must show their own 4-H calf or can borrow a calf for Showmanship only and only 4-H members are allowed to work on their calves.
- All 4-H heifers must have a plastic NLID (dairy) tag inorder to be present on the Fairgrounds.
- All exhibitors and/or parents must sign the declaration found at the bottom of the 4-H entry form or follow instructions when entering on Assist Expo.
- All rules of the Vankleek Hill Agricultural Society apply.
- All rules and regulations for showing dairy cattle, found in the Purebred Cattle Division of the Prize List, MUST be followed for the 4-H show.
- No entry fee will be charged to participate in this show.
- The 4-H Committee reserves the right to combine individual and championship classes when necessary.
- The DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES IS August 13th,2024.
- Use the 4-H Heifer entry form in the centre of the prize list or entries will be accepted online via Assist Expo at Choose the 4H show from the drop down menu.
- We ask that all entry forms reach Morgan Overvest – Tel.: 613-677-8576, E-mail: by the deadline.
- 4-H Dairy members will not be charged admission to the fair on Friday, August 16th and Saturday, August 17th, 2024, if they present their 4-H membership card at the gate upon arrival. Each exhibitor will also receive one exhibitor day pass for use on Friday. Should an exhibiting member have any conflicts at the gate, please contact Morgan Overvest directly by phone or in person.
- 4-H members and their calves can enter the east barn at 6:00 p.m., Friday, August 16th, 2024 to begin setting up their club exhibit.
- When the judge has chosen his dairy champions and the 4-H Show has concluded on the afternoon of Saturday, August 17th, 2024, this 4-H Event is considered to be finished.
- CLASS 1: Novice Showmanship, for members 9-11 years of age as of January 1, 2024.
- CLASS 2: Junior Showmanship for members 12-14 years of age as of January 1, 2024.
- CLASS 3: Intermediate showmanship for members 15-17 years of age as of January 1, 2024
- CLASS 4: Senior showmanship, for members 18-21 years of age as of January 1, 2024
- CLASS 5: Holstein Junior Heifer, for calves born after February 28, 2024
- CLASS 6: Holstein Intermediate Heifer, for calves born December 1st, 2023 to February 28, 2024
- CLASS 7: Holstein Senior Heifer, for calves born September 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023
- CLASS 8: Holstein Summer Yearling, for calves born June 1, 2023 to August 31, 2023
- CLASS 9: Holstein Junior Yearling, for calves born March 1, 2023 to May 31, 2023
- CLASS 10: Ayrshire Junior, Intermediate & Senior Heifer, for calves born after November 30, 2023
- CLASS 11: Ayrshire Junior and Summer Yearling, for calves born March 1, 2023 to August 31, 2023
- CLASS 12: Jersey Junior, Intermediate & Senior Heifer, for calves born after August 31, 2023
- CLASS 13: Jersey Junior & Summer Yearling, for calves born March 1, 2023 to August 31, 2023
Please note: all classes are subject to change depending on the size of the class.
1st – $20, 2nd – $18, 3rd – $16, 4th – $14, 5th – $12, 6th – $10, All other worthy entries – $8
Special Prizes and Trophies
- Grand Champion Showperson
- Reserve Champion Showperson
- Grand Champion Prescott County Showperson
- Grand Champion Holstein Heifer
- Reserve Champion Holstein Heifer
- Grand Champion Prescott County Holstein Heifer
- Grand Champion Coloured Breed Heifer
- Reserve Champion Coloured Breed Heifer
- Grand Champion Dairy Heifer
- Reserve Champion Dairy Heifer
Note: Championship classes are also subject to change based on entries.
Tie Stall Competition
Open to all clubs in the dairy heifer competition on Saturday, August 17th, 2024. To be eligible, the club exhibit must have a minimum of five calves. Exhibits will be judged throughout the day of the show for appearance of exhibit and attitudes of participants.
1st – $30; 2nd – $20; 3rd – $10
Online Registration
Follow this link to register for an Assist Expo account to register your entries online!