General Information, Rules, and Regulations

  • Exhibitors in Junior Classes Sections 1 to 50 inclusive, are not required to be members of the Agricultural Society and NO entry fee will be deducted. 
  • If juniors exhibit in classes other than junior or 4-H classes, they must purchase $6 membership to exhibit other items.  
  • Entry forms with your age and address must be completed so that your prize money can be delivered. This form is available on our website vankleekhillfair.ca or in the back of the fair book.
  • All items entered in the fair require that a fair entry tag is affixed to the item.  These tags may be picked up at the Fair Office the week of the fair.  
  • Children may only enter in the class designated for their own age group. (Age is determined as of the Wednesday of the fair.)
  • All entries must be made or grown by the exhibitor.
  • Only one entry per exhibitor in each section
  • The exhibition hall will be open on Wednesday evening from 7:00 – 9:00, and on Thursday morning from 9:00 to 11:30 to receive entries.
  • Exhibits must be removed between 3:30 and 4:30 on Sunday. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure that your exhibits are collected.  
  • The Vankleek Hill Agricultural Society is not responsible for lost items, although we do everything in our power to ensure the safety and proper collection of all exhibits.  We are also not responsible for delivering items left in the hall past the pick-up time on Sunday. 
  • Prize money and special prizes are typically available for pick up on Sunday afternoon. Please see the director in the hall before leaving with your exhibits.

Special Prize: For the most points in each junior class, $4 donated by Valerie Allen

For the runner up in each junior class, $2 donated by Valerie Allen.

Special Prize: Prize money for each child exhibiting entries donated by Monika Johnson

Prize Money – $3, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50

  1. Make a bug out of pom poms glued to a paper plate. Accessories accepted
  2. Display four of your favourite “nature finds” in a 4-sectioned egg carton
  3. Draw a picture of yourself on 8 ½ ” x 11″ paper
  4. Colour a colouring book picture, may be mounted, no larger than 8 ½ ” x 11″

Prize Money – $3, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50

  1. Use a toilet paper roll as the body, make a butterfly. Decorate.
  2. Using popsicle sticks glued on a paper 8 ½” x 11” (not three dimensional) make a tractor and decorate.
  3. Using a painted print of your hand as the body and legs, make a horse. Add a head and tail and other decorations.
  4. Print your first name on unlined paper 5 ½” x 8 1/2”. Decorate.

Prize Money – $3, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50

  1. “Wanted” glue head shot photo of you on 8 ½” x 11” paper and decorate with a cowboy hat, bandana, and other decorations to make a wanted poster.
  2. Spell your name using seeds, any variety. Maximum 8 ½” x 14”
  3. Using a paper plate, cut the centre ¾ portion to pop up so it looks like a cowboy hat with a brim.  Decorate.
  4. Using popsicle sticks glued on a paper 8 ½” x 11” (not three dimensional) make a scarecrow and decorate.

Prize Money – $3, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50

  1. Use half a toilet paper roll to make a farm animal. Display 3 different ones on a plate.
  2. Horse – fold paper plate in half, add head, tail, and other details to make a horse.
  3. Using your finger/thumb prints as leaves, make a tree drawing. Use other medium (markers/pens/crayons) to draw trunk and branches on 8 ½” x 11” paper
  4. Paint a small flowerpot on an animal/bug theme. Fill with flowers (handmade or real)/treats/etc.

Prize Money – $4, $3.50, $3, $2

  1. Cut a cowboy boot out of 8 ½” x 11” paper and decorate it. Don’t forget the spur!
  2. Using a tin can make an animal pencil holder. Accessories accepted.
  3. Make a sign that says “Happy 180th – Vankleek Hill Fair” on 8 ½” x 11” paper.  Add decorations.
  4. Make a horse head out of cardboard/paper and add a mane out of yarn, and other decorations as desired

Prize Money – $4, $3.50, $3, $2

  1. Create a birthday card with a country scene on the front.
  2. Create something useful from something useless (main material is recycled)
  3. Using individual popsicle sticks, any size, create a farm animal.  Display 4 on a plate or standing in plasticine 
  4. Make a horseshoe shaped picture frame decorated and including a picture, ready to hang.

Prize Money – $4, $3.50, $3, $2

  1. Create a tabletop sized signpost to indicate the various attractions at the Vankleek Hill Fair. Decorate as appropriate.
  2. Using painted pinecones make three farm animals. Display on a plate.
  3. Create 2 rosettes (ribbons) for the 180th Vankleek Hill Fair
  4. Create Décor items to display on paper straws; western theme; straws displayed in a container(s)

Prize Money – $4, $3.50, $3, $2

  1. Create a craft using a bandana.
  2. Using a paper bag make a party treat bag for a cowboy themed party.  Treat bag can be tied closed (judged on outside appearance only).
  3. Create a craft using denim/jeans pocket.
  4. Create a party invitation in the shape of a cowboy boot.

Prize Money – $5, $4, $3, $2

  1. Tin cans and burlap – create a useful item for a party table made with a tin can and burlap
  2. Tie Dye a pair of socks
  3. Create a horse head on a stick
  4. Cow print painted mason jar, with appropriate decorations
  5. Create a party table centre in a cowboy boot
  6. Decorate a framed photo of a past Vankleek Hill Fair that you love.  
  7. Chocolate chip cookies, 5, on a plate in a zip lock bag
  8. Create a craft/decoration with a denim theme
  9. Using rope/twine around a bottle or other object, create a western theme decoration. 
  10. Three to five 4″ x 6″ colour photos, theme – “At the Vankleek Hill Fair” – displayed on poster board

Prize Money; $15, $10, $8

  • Note: This class will be judged by the quilting judge. 
  • These quilts may be quilted by the maker or by another person.
  1. Quilt made by young quilter, 14 years old or younger, any technique or size, with little or no help from an adult. 
  2. Quilt made only by young quilter, aged 15-18 years any technique or size.

Online Registration

Follow this link assistexpo.ca/vkhfair to register for an Assist Expo account to register your entries online!